Every Homeowner Should Have a Basic Plumbing Toolbox.
If you read our previous post, The 8 Plumbing Tools Every Handy Homeowner Should Own, this post should round out your plumbing toolbox.

Safety Glasses
Always protect your eyes when fixing plumbing issues! Remember, you do not want to "cheap out" when it comes to safety glasses. Get a pair that will stay on your head as you bend down - that has the side shields - and that is comfortable enough that you won't get frustrated with them and take them off. The gift of sight is precious - protect it! Especially when cutting pipes.

Work Gloves
Work gloves are important. They can improve your grip, and with metal pipes especially, you can protect your hands from the abrasiveness of the pipes and any metal filings.

Washers & O-Rings
Get a variety pack with several different sizes. (Replace washers and O-rings that have gone bad, causing leaks. Replacing the old ones with new will give you back the tight seal that you desire.)

Plumber’s Tape
Plumber’s tape is a thin tape that you wrap around the threads on pipes and fittings before putting them together. It helps the two pieces seal better to avoid leaks. Swapping out a shower head? You'll need plumber's tape. Reconnecting the U pipe under your sink? Plumber's tape. Always have this on hand.

Measuring Tape
Measure Twice & Cut Once!

Construction Pencils & Markers
If you're measuring, you're marking. Construction Pencils & Markers are handy to have in your tool box so you don't have to crawl out of the bathroom and find a junk drawer.

Metal File
Used to smooth rough edges that are left on your pipes after cutting them, a metal file is important for your safety, and for the safety of the next person to come near your pipes.

Emery Cloth
If you have copper pipes, an emery cloth prepares copper pipe for the application of flux and solder.

Get a caulk gun and some silicone calk for replacing seals around sinks and tubs. Even if your seals haven't failed, perhaps they've turned brown... or worse, black. A fresh seal can provide an updated look along with more protection.

Putty Knife
If you're replacing a wax ring or a silicone seal, a putty knife comes in handy!

Pressure Test Gauges
Used to check for leaks and test water pressure in pipes.

Water Pump Pliers
Water pump pliers are a multi-purpose hand tool commonly used for turning and holding nuts and bolts, gripping irregularly shaped objects,and clamping materials.

Slip-Joint Pliers
These are a fairly standard pair and are the most useful for most purposes. Buy a pair with insulated handles for added comfort.

Faucet Keys
Faucet keys are small, X-shaped wrenches that are made to open and close spigots and sill locks.

Jab Saws (Keyhole Saw)
These are used for making small or difficult cuts in building materials.

Spray Lubricants
Loosen stubborn nuts and pipe fittings.

Socket/Ratchet Set
Tightening tool that uses individual and removable sockets to fit many different sizes of nuts and bolts.
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